Parents, Kids, and Teachers did understand and notice fast, how Important it was the work and Space that I was offering and giving to and for the Children. Later on, I did talk to the Director of all Schools in Hamburg, Germany, and told him that we need to change this, that I did not know how, but that my work was necessary and Changes were really needed. 1 year later he called me and offered me to work in a „ difficult“ High school with more than 80% Foreigners, to work as an Art-Teacher with my Methodology using Aromatherapy and other Techniques.
Being a Foreigner by my Own, I realized that a deep heart wish that I did not know I had, just was about to be fulfilled.
Also, I am living proof that it is possible for each and everyone to make contributions with our own Essence/Being and Spread happiness and Joy. My Services do improve the state of mind and impact the well-being. I am working and helping for so many Years with success helping People and Animals, Institutions, Businesses, Communities to uplift their Vibes and lives.
Happy Soul Space*